
E3B Department at Columbia University

  • EEEB4127_001_2015: DISEASE ECOLOGY (Spring 2020)

The course will introduce students to wildlife diseases, disease ecology and conservation, ecosystem health, and conservation medicine.

  • EEEBG6112_001_2016_1: FUNDAMENTALS OF ECOLOGY (Spring 2020)

An advanced survey of the basic concepts and theories of ecology and evolution, with particular emphasis on topics relevant to conservation biology.

  • EEEB GR6150. Topics in Ecology and Evolution: Agent-based models for Coupled Natural and Human systems (CNHs) (Fall 2019)

​​​​​​​This course will introduce the Coupled Natural and Human system framework to study socio-ecological systems and introduce active learning of Agent-based models (ABM) as one of the most common methods to study CNH systems.